Xombrero comes with GreaseMonkey-like functionality. For those unfamiliar with GreaseMonkey, it allows you to apply javascript to the result of a web page. This allows you to modify the page result after all other rendering has taken place. For example, if you would like to highlight or set the focus to a specific text box or remove an image from the page. See the man page for details (search for “enable_js_autorun”). is a privacy based search engine - in basic terms - it tries to remove tracking features and functionality that Google adds/uses to track users. Startpage is a great search engine, the only issue I have is they inject their Google Ads before your search result. I’m also ok with this but I do have a problem when I cannot easily distinguish the ads from my search results.
The following is a basic example of using Xombrero’s js_autorun feature to “enhance” the results of a search.
To use the js_autorun functionality we will create a file with the needed javascript (one line of code) and set the enable_js_autorun config variable to tell Xombrero you want to use js_autorun.
- open your Xombrero instance’s config file (or if you are using the default, open ~/.xombrero.conf) and add the following line to the end of the file:
enable_js_autorun = 1
- create a js autorun file for (the following script will create the file and insert the needed line of code for you):
echo "document.getElementById('spon_links').style.border = '1px solid red';" > ~/.xombrero/js/
That’s all there is to it!
Now if you reload the page or run a new search you will get a thin, clean red border around all of the ads that has added to my search results such as follows:
Be warned that startpage (infrequently) changes the div id of the wrapper around their ads. Below is my archive of changes (eventually I’ll put this in git for everyone to pull).