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Configure/Reconfigure rkhunter for Daily/Weekly Run on Debian

 ·  ☕ 1 min read


On debian distributions, the default rkhunter install (apt-get install rkhunter) does not ask you for the “automatically run rkhunter” options that you get with a source install of rkhunter. This post shows you how to reconfigure rkhunter with dpkg-reconfigure to configure the built-in cron jobs.


The standard rkhunter setup “wizard” can be invoked with dpkg-reconfigure at any time.

$ dpkg-reconfigure rkhunter

The first screen allows enabling/disabling the daily run job of rkhunter.

rkhunter reconfig screen 1

The second screen allows enabling/disabling of automatically updating rkhunters database.

rkhunter reconfig screen 2

The third screen allows enabling/disabling the automatic update of the file properties database.

rkhunter reconfig screen 3

Configure rkhunter

If you have ran rkhunter before, you have probably seen the log messages/email about hidden files detected. rkhunter can be tuned to skip (via whitelist) specific items. An example of this is rkhunter likes to tell me that a hidden .java directory exists. I know this as I have java installed and develop in java. You can configure rkhunter to ignore this via the /etc/rkhunter.conf file as follows (uncomment the ALLOWHIDDENDIR for /etc/.java):


This file is well documented so you may like to review the file for other configuration settings you may be interested in.

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